My equestrian student Lindsay came to yoga for the first time with what she termed a “bum” right hip. She’d fallen off her horse onto that hip at age 13. Fortunately…
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My equestrian student Lindsay came to yoga for the first time with what she termed a “bum” right hip. She’d fallen off her horse onto that hip at age 13. Fortunately…
How can Yoga relieve tension headaches and even head certain migraines off at the pass? There are infinite means by which yoga can positively transform the layers of our being.…
Raise your hand if you’ve endured a headache over the past year. You are in the company of at least 50% of your fellow humans on the planet. According to the…
How can Yoga practice and therapeutic Yoga Tune-Up® ball work help us regain some of our confidence, as well as physical potential following a trauma? How can this work relieve…
The game of golf can be like a meditative experience. After all, silence or at least whispered voices are encouraged while engaged on the links, and a high degree of preparation…