Updated 6/2022
I didn’t love my first Yin Yoga class.
I didn’t even like it.
From one public class, I concluded that Yin Yoga was not for me.
Because I have osteoporosis in my lumbar spine, I experienced a strong aversive response to the numerous, minimally propped forward folds offered in the session. I also had not learned the unfamiliar pose names. All of this led to a bit of mental agitation. I decided to avoid this yoga style for several years.
Eventually, I gave yin yoga another try as my students were requesting that I teach it.

Commitment: Immerse in Yin
Soon, I had the opportunity to participate in Yin Yoga teacher training with Devi Daly at Tucson Yoga Studio. Devi founded the studio in 2003 and I regularly took classes and eventually taught there.
Devi kindly sought me out and we chatted before training began.
We discussed my concerns about forward folds in particular, especially in light of my spinal osteoporosis. We had a wonderful, mutually respectful, and collegial discussion.

As my learning progressed, I had the space and time to understand the “whys” of Yin Yoga, and we were invited to use props a great deal. Immediately that weekend in my own classes, I began integrating a few poses.
Tissue Release, Yin, and Yoga Tune-Up® Ball Work
Yin Yoga poses are held anywhere from 2-5 minutes; depending on the pose and the person. The essence of Yin practice is creating stillness in a physical shape, and “play the edge” between comfort/discomfort in order to provide good stress. The gentle stress on our connective tissues and joints stimulates circulation, growth and healing. Gravity assists release.

In the yin yoga context, stress is tissue stimulation and not stagnation. This is a good thing!
A Yin pose takes time to inhabit. Motion is slow, particularly coming out of a pose as your physical being adjusts. We practice quieting the mind in these long holds. Meditative calm ensues.
Yin, Roll, Relax
I have had many trainings over the years in Yoga Tune Up® with Jill Miller. and the Roll Model® Method. In the Yin and Roll Model context, I continue my education about fascia with an appreciation of how issues in the connective tissues impact our entire physical and even mental state.
I often offer ball work in my classes, as well as now integrate Yin poses.

Current schedule of classes here. Be sure to join my mailing list for updates on my offerings! Scroll to the bottom of this page.