My equestrian student Lindsay came to yoga for the first time with what she termed a “bum” right hip. She’d fallen off her horse onto that hip at age 13. Fortunately no bones were broken. Yet, in the years since her accident, Lindsay’s hip feels sore, weak and vulnerable while riding.
She also experiences quite a bit of hip discomfort on long flights, sitting for extended class sessions, or while driving.
Lindsay assumed that someday she’d “have to have a hip replacement and already felt as if her body was old.”
Lindsay described to me the coordinated movement a rider and their horse requires. She taught me how crucial a balanced seat on the horse can be to the quality of the ride, and the sensitive response of the 1000 pound horse to her posture on the horse.
Essentially, while riding her beloved horse Magic, she told me, “When I’m not balanced, Magic is not balanced!”
Through yoga class, Lindsay increased awareness of her posture, hip muscles, core muscles, and poised alignment.

Over the course of the semester with regular practice in class and at home, Lindsay reported that her hip is not bothering her anymore. Additionally, Lindsay has enjoyed Yoga Tune Up® therapy ball massage, not only for her own self-care, but for Magic, her wonderful horse (see the pictures below)!

Do YOU want to learn more ways to practice self-care with the Yoga Tune-Up® balls as well as Yin Yoga?
Check out my upcoming workshop: “Tonic for the Tissues: Yin, Roll and Relax”!
A version of this article originally appeared on