Tigist Ejeta is a multi-talented, multi-skilled Home Birth Midwife, Doula, and Childbirth Educator. I am thrilled to introduce her to you. Several years ago Tigist and I connected when she was getting established in Tucson. I immediately invited her to my Prenatal Yoga class so women could meet her. We’ve been friendly colleagues ever since, and I’m both humbled and honored to be in her same orbit. Tigist’s depth of knowledge about childbirth is unmatched!
Tigist, what is the mission of your offerings?
My mission is to make my classes, birth support, and safe midwifery services accessible to families in need; especially to families of color and immigrant families who mostly do not know these types of services even exist.
What makes your business unique?
It is unique because my service is culturally sensitive. I try to bring calmness and a safe space wherever the birth is going to happen. My service is also evidence based; backed up by scientific evidence, my personal experience and all the experiences I have gained through my journey.
Please share professional and personal details that can help the readers see how wonderful and unique you are!

I am a midwife from Ethiopia currently licensed here in Arizona to provide home birth services to families expecting their babies. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Direct Entry Midwifery and a Master’s degree in Reproductive Health Nursing.
I was assigned to the department of midwifery, the first direct entry program in Ethiopia in 2004 without my choice and did not want to be a midwife at all. It was because of my father who is in the health care professions that I tried to learn what it is about. He advised me to try the program for a year and see how that feels.
I fell in love with the profession, with the miracle of birth after I caught the first baby accidentally. It was a miracle for me to learn what a woman’s body can do and how resilient we can be when it comes to having a baby, raising a child, and taking care of a family.
I came to the US with my husband who was a postgraduate student. It was hard for me to continue working as a midwife since the US does not have a nationally recognized direct entry midwifery programs, and it was hard to get my documents accepted here. After my own birth experience with my first son, I could not see myself doing anything else but midwifery.
How did you become established here?
I started my journey of birth work in US by taking a doula workshop and by getting connected with other birth workers. That was when I met Bonnie who was so warm and welcoming.
I started volunteering to support births as a doula. Even though none of my credentials were accepted, I learned that I could become a home birth midwife, through the North American Registry of Midwives by apprenticing with experienced home birth midwives. It was challenging to find a preceptor and a family who would trust me to attend their births to count for my certification. I continued to my doula work, teaching childbirth classes and apprenticing to fulfill my requirements.
“It was the biggest challenge of my life, but I am very thankful for all the families who trusted me with their life and their babies, my fellow birth workers for supporting me through this hardship and Bonnie is at the top list. After eight years of stay in US, I finally became a midwife again and am offering my services to families looking for a home birth.”
I have worked in hospitals and birth centers with different scopes managing complications and attending natural births. As a home birth midwife now, I enjoy the beauty and power of birth. I support families in making an informed choice when it comes to a place of birth and it is my goal to be there for them so that they feel supported and heard.

“The cesarean rate is very high for women of color and immigrant families where most of the causes of the cesarean are preventable. I want my services to be accessible to them too. Many do not know that out of hospital birth even exists and others are concerned that it may not be safe. For those who know about it, it is hard to find a midwife of color because we do not have many. As a person of color, I understand how hard it is to get a compassionate care and it is my goal to make services accessible.”
Reach out to Tigist through her website: www.birthwithtigi.com
Explore Bonnie’s Prenatal and Postnatal Schedule of Class offerings here